devlog 2 - Basic Level Blocking

devlog 2 - basic level blocking

i have implemented a basic level to show what future levels will be like, the level includes:

  • the viability mechanic - (somewhat implemented, ill talk about it later)
  • walls - can be climbed with stairs

  • pits - can be passed with bridges and such

  • enemy spanners - need to be destroyed to stop spawning enemies, 

- placeholder image

  • lazer - this will stop the player from passing it in the future but for the sake of demonstrating the level it is passable

- placeholder image

  • totem aquireing station - will allow for new totems to be obtained

- placeholder image

the visability mechanic will start, in the first level not this one, with being able to make a circle centred around the player but this will cost energy or health and the player cannot attack when up. in this update however the visability circle is stuck on for the sake of demonstrating the level.

the eyes of the player will be updated in the future to change the colour of the eyes when over white backgrounds instead of around the eyes as it is now.

Files 5.5 MB
Sep 13, 2020

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